June Sira b. 1965
MA-Fine Art. Painting.
Chelsea School of Art and Design, 1999 – 2000
Oslo National Academy Of The Arts, Oslo,Norway
MA-Fine Art.Sculpture.
1985 – 1992.
Gallery EKG, Festspillutstiller, Paintings, 2015
Elverum Art Gallery, Paintings, 2014
Hellviktangen, 2013
Elverum Artgallery, Paintings, 2012
Gallery Osebro – Paintings, 2007
Norwegian Printmakers Gallery, Prints, 2000
Oslo Art Union, Paintings, 1998
Gallery Kunstnerforbundet. Oslo,Norway 2019
Gallery Ramsfjord. Oslo, Norway. 2018-2019
Gallery Fine Art. Oslo, Norway. 2018
Royal Ulster Academy, Belfast,136th Annual Exhibition, 2018.
Store Street Gallery, London, 2017
Portrait Now, The Museum of National History,
Copenhagen, 2017.
Hubei Art Museum, China, 2017
Derwent Art Prize, Mall Galleries, London, 2016
Rotterdam International Art Fair, 2016
Graficki Kolektiv, Beograd, 2016
CICA Museum, Art Yellow Book International Exhibition, Korea, 2016
Kunstverket, Hovedøya Gallery, 2016.
The Brick Lane Gallery, London, 2015
Nittedal Kunstforening, 2015
Lions Club, Oslo, 2014
Søgne Prestegård, 2013
Hermetikkfabrikken i Nevlunghavn, 2010
Stavern Kunst, 2008
Bø Art union, - Paintings, 2006
The Taste Of The House, Paintings.
Koreas Ambassadours residence, 2004
Regional National exhibition, 2004,2002, 2001,1999 .1998,1996,1993
Summer exhibition, Galleri 27, 2003
Nordic Watercolour Symposium
Galleri LNM, 2002
UBS Art Award, 2000
Whitechapel Art Gallery, London, 2000
The Centre of Attention, London, 2000
Norwegian Printmakers Gallery, 1999,1993
The National Annual Autumn Exhibition, 1995
Galleri K.,1995 – Nordic symposium
Norsk Tipping, 2015
The National Gallery, Norway. 2010,1992.
Helsebygg midtnorge, 2009, 2008
Norsk kulturråd, 2006
Omsorg og rehabiliteringsenteret i Langesund, 2005
Helsebygg midtnorge, 2005
Kunst på arbeidsplassen, 2004
Union Bank of Switzerland - UBS, 2000
ArtForwardContests - Silver Award Winner - Painting, 2016
UBS Art Award, National winner, UK, 2000
Arches prize –The National Annual Autumn Exhibition, Oslo, 1995
Art Club's price – The National Annual Autumn Exhibition, Oslo, 1995
Statens diversestipend for kunstnere, 2012
Ingrid Lindbäck Langaards fond, 2001
Billedkunstnernes vederlagsfond, 2000
Ettårig arbeidsstipend 1999
Debutantstøtte, 1998
Norwegian Printmakers, 1996
Norwegian Union of Printmakers,1991
June, 2018